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How to live the Crusoe Treasure experience

How to live the Crusoe Treasure experience

How to live the Crusoe Treasure experience https://underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/MG_3157-4.jpg 1200 800 Crusoe Treasure Crusoe Treasure https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/a92b316a884d4396bd179329ef230451

If you want to know the Crusoe Treasure experience we invite you to immerse yourself in its fascinating history and live it in first hand. You are going to fall in love.

The sea is our ally in the art of winemaking and jealously guards the treasures that we rescue in peaceful times to make them available to those who, like you, want to live this experience. Wines with history hoping that each person who discovers them can continue that history.

If you have any of our underwater wines in your hands we would like to help you create your own Crusoe Treasure experience.


What would you like to know?

Who we are?

We are a Boutique Underwater Winery, located in the Bay of Plentzia (Basque Country, Spain), which produces unique and high quality wines designed to live and mature under the conditions of the sea.

What do we produce?

Our production is limited. We have 10 different underwater wines (red and white wines) that we offer in three collections: Sea Soul, Sea Passion and Sea Legend, which are differentiated depending on their underwater treasuring process.

What does the sea bring to our wines?

Our wines are made in a revolutionary and innovative way in very unusual conditions because they age under a three atmosphere pressure, in a weightlessness sensation and constant movement.

The energy of the Cantabrian Sea is, therefore, responsible for their unique evolution in colour, aroma and tasting. You can consult more information and also download the card of each one of our wines.

A project with social awareness.

The winery has also become a reef that contributes to the regeneration of marine life and helps to care for this small corner of the Bay of Biscay.

How to consume our wines.

Choose the place and the company you want to live the Crusoe Treasure experience with. You have a virtual wine tasting experience included with the purchase of each bottle.

In addition, we will show you in three easy steps how to open the bottles correctly:


  1. Use a corkscrew or a metallic object to hit the sealing wax that protects the mouth of the bottle. Our recommendation is that you cover it with a handkerchief or napkin before hitting the sealing wax to avoid the pieces to disperse.
  2. Eliminate the remains of sealing wax and remove the cork from the bottle.
  3. Once the cork has been removed, clean the mouth of the bottle thoroughly with a napkin before serving the wine.


And now do you dare to live and share your Crusoe Treasure experience?