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“There is a connection between the sea and the wine”

“There is a connection between the sea and the wine”

“There is a connection between the sea and the wine” https://underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/WhatsApp-Image-2022-10-10-at-12.01.31.jpeg 1600 1200 Crusoe Treasure Crusoe Treasure https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/a92b316a884d4396bd179329ef230451

Antonio T. Palacios, Winemaker Manager of Crusoe Treasure Underwater Winery,during one of his routine visits to the underwater winery, coincided with one of our wine tourism experiences visitors. It doesn’t happen often, but they were able to enjoy all Antonio’s knowledge first-hand, in a pleasant and informal environment, enjoying the wine, the sea and the incredible Bay of Plentzia.

It is always a pleasure to listen to Antonio, that’s why, for those of you who couldn’t be there, we want you to participate in his visit.


antonio palacios crusoe barco

Antonio shared his experiences and anecdotes with us: “At first you say -this is pure marketing- but no, there is much more, there is a connection between the sea and the wine”.

“The first time I came I was quite incredulous. A year before a journalist has called me for an interview, he told me: we have someone on the other end of the phone that makes underwater wines and we want a winemaker who can tell us what happens under the sea.

I said that the wine in the bottle and the bottle under the sea, that the glass is completely waterproof and if the bottle is well closed, nothing should happen. Anyway…I messed up

A year later, when I got to know the project, I met Borja, whe I did chemical analyzes I realized that red wine under the sea is much more purple, it preserves its youth. But why? Due to gaseous exchanges, this obviously accelerates what we call copigmentation, it is a polymerization of the colored substances and makes them more stable. In the end, analytically you see it and in tasting too.


duetIn tasting, the Duet pack is a product where you can taste the wine from land and from sea, so you can experience it yourself. What do you like more the land one? Nothing happens, it can happens of course, but you probably like the submarine much more. What will convince you is that the wines are different. That’s for sure.

What do we get with the underwater treasuring?

Recovering past interviews with Antonio, quoting him, we can say that: “We get round, soft, friendly and very agile wines in terms of aroma and taste.”

In the aging of the wine we propose almost the “anti-enology”, we transmit all the energy of the sea, the current, the waves, the tides, the effect of the moon… all of this undoubtedly has so much force that it has to be transmitted to the interior of the wine. bottle and what we get with that is a very still wine, very soft and very rich on the palate.”

If you are curious and you have not yet tasted our wines… What are you waiting for?