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Wine tourism to taste the difference of an underwater wine

Wine tourism to taste the difference of an underwater wine

Wine tourism to taste the difference of an underwater wine https://underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/bg_experiencias2.jpg 1920 1080 Crusoe Treasure Crusoe Treasure https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/a92b316a884d4396bd179329ef230451

We can tell you anything, but you have your own criteria. That’s why one of our most fascinating wine tourism experiences in Plentzia is a tasting session that compares an underwater wine and the same wine aged in the cellar.

Those who have already tasted it say that there is an intense difference and that an underwater wine has a more complex and rounded evolution:

“To verify the clear effect of the aging under the sea; how it contributes to a faster maturation of the wine, greater aromatic opening, a really divergent evolution… The important thing is also that it is very clear. Everyone was able to see this, regardless of whether or not everyone had a preference afterwards. Personally and honestly, for both wines I will always choose underwater aging”.

Fernando Ballesteros, Enologist at Bodegas Aragonesas.

And, moreover, tasting it in the surroundings of Plentzia enhances the experience. Because you will be standing close to the underwater cellar where the magic happens. In the comparative tasting, you will be accompanied by a member of the founding team of Bodega Crusoe Treasure, so that we can transmit the essence of the project at first hand:

“When they told me that we were coming to visit some wineries under the sea I couldn’t believe it and the person I mentioned it to looked at me as if I was crazy. After visiting them I must say that it has been one of the most wonderful and curious experiences I have ever had, that I recommend it to everyone. I loved the presentation of the company’s beginnings and its pilgrimage to achieve the level of quality obtained. And, of course, its wines, which are spectacular”.

Jorge A Sebastian. Review on TripAdvisor.

The experience in Plentzia prepares your sensations for the wine tasting.

How will you experience the difference?