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Discover our new virtual wine tastings

Discover our new virtual wine tastings

Discover our new virtual wine tastings https://underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/catavirtual_automatizada4.jpg 1920 1080 Ainhoa Etxano Ainhoa Etxano https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/64bc1d22aced155a08c208e0f3bd595d

When it is one year since our lives changed, we realize how much we have evolved and learned during this period as a team and as a company.

We learnt what resilience mean, a key chacacteristic of our wines; and after ensuring the wellness of the team we come into play again.

Personalized Wine Tasting

The reinvention came through the personalized Virtual Tastings, virtual meeting spaces that allowed us to share our project and reflections with the people who have ended up being part of the Crusoe Treasure family. In these personalized tastings, Borja Saracho, founder of Crusoe Treasure, transmits his passion for the wine and the sea by interacting with a private group of people. A unique plan to discover with your friends or family the authenticity of underwater wine.


Automated Wine Tasting

But just as each vintage of wine allows us to discover new nuances, we decided to venture into another project that would allow us to adapt the Virtual Tastings to the current situation. In these moments in which we have somehow recovered part of our life, we present the Automated Virtual Tastings. A novel format that allows each wine lover to taste their underwater treasure and learn about our history whenever they want and at their own pace; always accompanied by our advice, recommendations and tasting notes. This experience is available for free with the purchase of Sea Soul Nº3, Sea Soul Nº4 and Sea Soul Nº7 in English, French and Spanish.

All the linked content is available in English and you can activate the English or French subtitles in the video settings. This also enables people with hearing functional diversity to enjoy the experience.

What type of tasting do you want to experience?