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Which marine species are represented in the Sea Legend collection?

Which marine species are represented in the Sea Legend collection?

Which marine species are represented in the Sea Legend collection? https://underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Base-estuche-Leyend-ACOPLADO-scaled.jpg 2560 1600 Patricia Moreno Patricia Moreno https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d930572ad93721d821dba79bf0b5ddd8

Conger eels, John dory fishes, dolphins, scorpionfish are some of the species that live with our underwater wines

As we have already mentioned before, the marine life that has been created around Crusoe Treasure Underwater Winery – Artificial Reef is very important for us, and that is why the protagonists of our packages could not be other than these species.

Today we are going to talk about Scorpaena Scrofa, commonly known as scorpionfish, one of the species represented in the Sea Legend collection. It is a solitary fish, during the day it is not very active, it only rests on the substrate, it is at night when it hunts. The colouring of the scorpionfish is very cryptic, it has the ability to change colour to better camouflage itself with its surroundings, so it is difficult to distinguish it if it is resting motionless. For this reason, when we dive in the winery we must be very careful not to frighten it, as when it feels threatened it spreads the thorny spokes of its fins as a warning and can cause painful pricks with its spines.

As with the other collections, the Japanese artist Yusei Nagashima is the person who has painted in watercolour this species in the Sea Legend collection’s packaging. You can find it in the Sea Legend Nº5 (Viognier) and in the Sea Legend Nº10 (Grey Grenache).

The scorpionfish that appear in the Sea Legend, together with the starfish of the Sea Passion and the julia of the Sea Soul, are three of the species that live, feed and reproduce in our underwater cellar, but they are not the only ones, there are many others.

Do you recognize any other species in our packaging?