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Do you know our most extreme underwater wine? https://underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/DSC01996-scaled.jpg 2560 1710 Patricia Moreno Patricia Moreno https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d930572ad93721d821dba79bf0b5ddd8

Do you know our most extreme underwater wine?

A great treasure under the sea. Today we want to talk about one of the most special wines we have at Bodega Crusoe Treasure, the Sea Legend Nº10. A grey grenache from the Aragonese desert, a very little-known varietal and very difficult to find. As our oenologist, Antonio T. Palacios, explains, this is an orange…

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Meet the illustrators of underwater wishes https://underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/fondo.jpg 1192 1800 Patricia Moreno Patricia Moreno https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d930572ad93721d821dba79bf0b5ddd8

Meet the illustrators of underwater wishes

Underwaterwishes As you know we are preparing a very beautiful action. We are collecting wishes for the future from people all over the world, on the 31st of December we will gather them together to put them inside four Crusoe Treasure magnum bottles and immerse them in our underwater winery. Each one of the four…

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Discover Plentzia during winter time https://underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_10f03.jpg 1093 718 Patricia Moreno Patricia Moreno https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d930572ad93721d821dba79bf0b5ddd8

Discover Plentzia during winter time

The arrival of winter and the perimeter lockdown we have experienced has not made us forget that we can enjoy our nearby environments, such as the Bay of Plentzia, where our artificial underwater reef underwater winery is located. Plentzia, Gorliz, Barrika are the three places that surround the bay. We know how lucky we are…

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Can anyone do a wine tasting without being an expert? https://underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/MG_8743.jpg 1800 1200 Patricia Moreno Patricia Moreno https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d930572ad93721d821dba79bf0b5ddd8

Can anyone do a wine tasting without being an expert?

The answer is yes, don’t be afraid. It’s much simpler than it may initially seem and moreover, it’s fun. You don’t have to be an expert to enjoy a wine tasting. In fact, each tasting is a world, the aromas and flavours that are appreciated in each wine vary depending on the person and the…

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Share the spirit of improvement of our underwater wines https://underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/premium.jpg 1742 980 Patricia Moreno Patricia Moreno https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d930572ad93721d821dba79bf0b5ddd8

Share the spirit of improvement of our underwater wines

Our underwater wines spend months at the bottom of the sea facing all the adversities that this involves. Thermal oscillations, pressure changes due to the waves, and tides, and they also have to deal with the large storms that hit our winery every year. Even so, they manage to evolve and come out better and…

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Is it necessary to decant underwater wine? https://underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Montaje3-1.gif 900 656 Patricia Moreno Patricia Moreno https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d930572ad93721d821dba79bf0b5ddd8

Is it necessary to decant underwater wine?

A carousel of sensations. Many times, the participants in the wine tasting sessions that we organize, tell us that the fullness of the change of an underwater wine is more remarkable after a few minutes have passed. Our oenologist Antonio T. Palacios says that the wines are ready to be enjoyed as soon as you…

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How to open a bottle of Crusoe Treasure underwater wine https://underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/MG_9977.jpg 1427 951 Patricia Moreno Patricia Moreno https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d930572ad93721d821dba79bf0b5ddd8

How to open a bottle of Crusoe Treasure underwater wine

Enjoy 100% the experience. We want you to fully enjoy the quality of underwater wines, so we have written this post in to explain step by step how to open the bottles correctly. There are three very simple steps detailed in each of the little books that contain the cases of the three collections. Cover…

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¡Inauguramos tienda online! https://underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Compra-online-2.png 1080 1080 Patricia Moreno Patricia Moreno https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d930572ad93721d821dba79bf0b5ddd8

¡Inauguramos tienda online!

Descubre la nueva forma de comprar vinos submarinos Estos últimos meses hemos estado trabajando en actualizar nuestra página web con el fin de poder hacer más fácil e intuitiva la compra de nuestros vinos submarinos. Desde Crusoe Treasure queremos seguir acercándonos cada vez más a todos nuestros clientes y seguidores. Estrenamos nueva web, más útil…

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Which marine species are represented in the Sea Legend collection? https://underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Base-estuche-Leyend-ACOPLADO-scaled.jpg 2560 1600 Patricia Moreno Patricia Moreno https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d930572ad93721d821dba79bf0b5ddd8

Which marine species are represented in the Sea Legend collection?

Conger eels, John dory fishes, dolphins, scorpionfish are some of the species that live with our underwater wines As we have already mentioned before, the marine life that has been created around Crusoe Treasure Underwater Winery – Artificial Reef is very important for us, and that is why the protagonists of our packages could not…

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Discover the protagonists of our packaging https://underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Base-estuche-Passion-02-ACOPLADO-scaled.jpg 2560 1600 Patricia Moreno Patricia Moreno https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d930572ad93721d821dba79bf0b5ddd8

Discover the protagonists of our packaging

The marine species that live with our underwater wines. There are numerous species living together with our wines in our underwater winery-artificial reef. Some of them are represented in the packaging of each of the Crusoe Treasure collections thanks to the Japanese artist Yusei Nagashima. Such is the case of the starfish Marthaesterias glaciaris, or…

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